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Plant based fertilizer

Plant based fertilizer is a great solution if you are looking for more sustainable and animal-friendly ways of cultivating crops. As more and more growers are taking an interest in moving towards more sustainable ways of cultivating plants and flowers a lot of new information is spread about environmentally friendly ways to get nutrients to your crops. In this article, we will take a closer look at what some of these terms mean, and what the benefits are of using organic, vegan or plant based fertilizers for your garden.

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Vegan, organic or plant-based?

Some of these terms might be confusing as they all mean different things. Vegan does not necessarily mean that the product is organic for example, it might be synthetic or mineral based and still technically be vegan. If you are concerned about chemicals leaching into groundwater, detrimental environmental effects of chemical fertilizer and are concerned about keeping your soil healthy, organic fertilizer can be a great option. Organic fertilizer simply means that the fertilizer used is derived from organic matter. Organic fertilizer may be plant based but often organic fertilizers are derived from animal (by)products as is the case with fish or bone meal. If you want to make sure your fertilizer is both organic and vegan, you should opt for a plant based fertilizer.

Plant based fertilizer: defining what is what

Plant based fertilizer is both organic and vegan, here are the different types of fertilizers and what they mean:

  • Organic fertilizer: Organic fertilizer is fertilizer derived from organic matter. In other words, it is derived from plant-based material or animal (by) products. Organic fertilizers release nutrients more slowly, reducing the risk of overfeeding and leeching that comes with the use of synthetic or mineral fertilizers.
  • Vegan: When fertilizer is classified as being vegan this simply means no animals were used in making the fertilizer. Technically fertilizer that is synthesized can also be classified as vegan.
  • Plant-based: Plant based fertilizer is pretty straightforward. Plant-based fertilizers are derived and made from products that are plant based. They are therefore also automatically organic and Vegan. If you are concerned about not using animal (by)products and care about decreasing environmental damage and increasing soil quality using a plant-based fertilizer is the way to go.

If you want to know more about organic and plant-based fertilizer you can click here to learn more. 

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Plant based fertilizer by Bac Online

Bac online offers a variety of plant-based, vegan and organic fertilizers and other products. When ordering from BAC online you can be sure that you get quality fertilizers that will improve rather than reduce the quality of your soil. If you are considering making the switch to plant-based growing, we highly recommend you try BAC’s organic starter package to get acquainted with and try out some of BAC high-quality plant-based products. The starter package comes in a large and in a small version. if you are wondering if a plant based fertilizer is something for you or if you have any other questions you can always reach out to our knowledge centre for some personalized advice and our expert colleagues will be happy to assist you.


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