Plant feeding schedules
Adjusting the nutrients to the growth stage of you plant will improve your harvest. This is why a plant feeding schedule is so useful. Apply it accurately and it will result in:
- Strong roots
- Healthy plants
- Vigorous growth and development
- Abundant flowering
- Optimal taste and scent
What is a plant feeding schedule?
As you are likely aware, a plant’s nutritional requirements change over the course of its growth cycle. For instance, during the vegetative stage a plant needs extra nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg). When it starts flowering, it needs substantially more Phosphorus (P) and potassium (K).
In addition, hydroponically grown plants require different amounts of the nutrients than plants that grow in soil. Furthermore, organic and traditional farming require different products.
Therefore, in order to make the most of your plants and grow the best possible crop, it pays off to use a cultivation schedule. Also known as a plant feeding schedule, this table tells you exactly when and what to feed your plants, and in what amounts.
What are the advantages of knowing when and what to feed plants?
Knowing when and what to feed plants will minimise the chances of a failed harvest. In fact, it will stimulate healthy growth and exuberant blooming. Specific nutrition or supplements will enable excellent curing, resulting in well- scenting, tasty crop.
Below, you can download three general plant feeding schedules, for hydroponic, organic and Soil 1-component use respectively. All tables are based on the nutrients in our product line. We also provide a nutrients schedule, displaying which nutrients are required during which growth stage.
NUTRIENTS SCHEDULE.pdf NUTRIENTS SCHEDULE.pdf (application/pdf), 207 kB
Schedule Coco Hydro A5 2020UK.pdf Schedule Coco Hydro FertiliserUK.pdf (application/pdf), 4,421 kB
Schedule Organic Grow Bloom A5 2020UK.pdf Schedule Organic FertiliserUK.pdf (application/pdf), 4,203 kB
Schedule SOIL 1Component A5 2020UK.pdf Schedule Soil 1Component FertiliserUK.pdf (application/pdf), 4,582 kB